6-week Healthy-Steps class is starting on Wednesday, January. 8, 2025 at the Somerville Senior Center, 167. Holland Street, 2-3 pm.

You can practice on your own with my videos, which you can view on this page

Healthy-Steps is a therapeutic, gentle, movement class for anyone who needs to get moving, particularly anyone recovering from surgery, frail elders, or those living with a chronic illness such as cancer, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, MS, chronic fatigue, or rheumatoid arthritis. The class is fun and easy to do, and no special physical abilities are required.

This class can help participants regain range of motion, reduce swelling from or even lessen the risk of Lymphedema, increase flexibility in frozen shoulder, decrease pain, work with balance issues, and promote positive self image. Healthy-Stepsuses smooth, slow, resistant movements that are gentle and easy to do. It can be done sitting or standing. All ages, any fitness levels are welcome.

I am a licensed and certified instructor for Healthy-Steps; all instructors go through a rigorous training. I have also attended three conferences to further my knowledge and hone my skills as an instructor. I offered this class for the first time in the Boston area in January 2005.

The Healthy-Steps program combines sound physical therapy practice with the freeing aspects of graceful movement, incorporating music, positive reinforcement from a group, empowerment from information and education; it is a potent package that addresses mind, body, and spirit.

As seen on Channel 4 news, with Joyce Kulhawik!!



Two physicians and a dance movement specialist created this program. It is still monitored by a medical board, which approves all exercises.

  • Healthy-Steps is recognized by both the National Lymphedema Foundation and the American Cancer Society.
  • Founder Sherry Lebed Davis developed the program for her mother, then she herself became a breast cancer survivor. She found the program helped her continue her quality of life, and now travels extensively to train instructors and promote the program.
  • Healthy-Steps has been seen on Lifetime, NBC-TV Nightly News, CBS, ABC, Weekend Today, BBC. Articles about the Lebed Method have been written in newspapers such as Seattle Times, New York Times, Chicago Post, and the LA Times, as well as many magazines, including People, MAMM, Dance Teacher, Coping, Cancer and You, Y-ME Newsletter.
  • The program is now in over 200 hospitals and centers in the US , Canada, Korea, and Israel .

More information about the Healthy-Steps program is available at the website www.gohealthysteps.com